- Client:Kuko Kids
- Location:Katowice
- Date:May 08, 2017
- Category:Shop, Website
- Time:4 Months
- Tags:shop, design, fashion
Kuko Kids
See the online store – kukokids.pl
The kukokids.pl online store is one of our favorite projects. It took quite a long time to set up the store, but it was in a really nice atmosphere. The project underwent many changes – sometimes very big changes, but thanks to this the end result is very good. The store in a very simple and gentle way displays what is most important – phenomenal products. Thanks to a large slider that attracts attention, the customer can be convinced that this is it!
Creating a store that will look elegant and aesthetically pleasing for a long time.
We have created a great store that works very quickly and, most importantly, is profitable.